We at RS Global believe your home turf is not just a landscape but a canvas of meticulous rejuvenation, and our residential maintenance services reflect that belief. Our array of specialized services is tailored for your residential haven, offering a transformative experience that transcends conventional maintenance. We are committed to crafting a living space where every step is a celebration of the natural beauty that defines your home.
Comprehensive Inspection: Before any maintenance services can be scheduled, our team conducts a thorough inspection of your space in order to recommend the best care package for your needs. Our seasoned technicians will conduct an on-site inspection to assess the condition of your turf. Whether it’s tucking edges, making minor adjustments, or addressing issues caused by normal erosion, our focus is on restoring your turf to its optimal state. We go beyond the surface, meticulously inspecting seams, edges and sub base for any damage. After the inspection, we offer 4 different turf care packages for you to choose from.
The Bronze Package provides basic debris removal services. This is brushing the turf fibers using a poly fiber power broom. Think of it like we are vacuuming the turf “carpet.”
Debris Removal: In brushing the fibers, our technicians take off pet hair, leaves, and seeds that fall into the sand or “infill” that holds the turf fibers up… By removing unwanted contaminants in the turf infill, we prevent seedlings from the seeds, nuts, or bird droppings that dropped in the infill, protecting the overall aesthetic of the turf field. Additionally, the turf can become hard over time if excess organic material builds up, and as such, a routine brushing helps prolong the elasticity and life-likeness of the fibers. Lastly, removing debris help keeps the integrity of the field’s draining system, as the turf will not drain properly if the top is “capped” or sealed with organic material. If necessary, we also perform a Magnet Sweep to eliminate metal contaminants (bobby pins, construction materials, etc) that could impact the overall health of your turf.
By ensuring a thorough, meticulous debris removal process, we set the stage for a vibrant, healthy, and safe lawn.
A step up from the Bronze Package, the Silver Package includes Debris Removal from the previous tier, and also includes turf flushing services.
The Gold Package includes Debris Removal and Turf Flushing, with the addition of Envirofill Application services, specifically intended for additional odor treatment. The Gold Package provides top-notch care for your yard to keep it looking fresh and smelling clean.
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